18 Jan 2023 ITALFERR S.p.A. Tender – Framework Agreement – “Support services for studies, surveys and monitoring on underground works”
S.I.N.A., Società Iniziative Nazionali Autostradali S.p.A – ASTM Group, has been awarded the Framework Agreement for studies, surveys and monitoring on railway tunnels on Italian territory.
The services will involve studies, surveys and monitoring with the aim of defining the specifications for the surfaces of tunnels, the state of conservation, stress and deformation of the structures, and the geotechnical characteristics of the surrounding land.
For this purpose, in accordance with the provisions of the Framework Agreement, activities will involve: strength testing using flat jacks and load cells, deformation measurements, coring and geognostic surveys with installation of piezometers, seismic and georadar surveys to map stratigraphic profiles and, finally, visual and photographic inspections of surface cracking.
The duration of the Framework Agreement will be 2 years from signing of the contract.