Sina, together with the ASTM Group, at Politecnico di Torino’s Career Day
Sina, along with other ASTM Group companies, is taking part today at PoliTO Career Day, the event organised by the Politecnico di Torino aimed at...
Sina, along with other ASTM Group companies, is taking part today at PoliTO Career Day, the event organised by the Politecnico di Torino aimed at...
SINA (ASTM Group) present at the Technical Conference webinar dedicated to the monitoring and classification of bridge safety...
SINA, of the ASTM Group, contributed to the 2022 ISAVFT event “19th International Symposium on Aerodynamics, Ventilation & Fire in Tunnels” as an international member...
From 12 to 14 September, SINA - ASTM Group - will sponsor SURF 2022, the ninth convention and exhibition organised by the Politecnico di Milano,...
SINA – ASTM Group, panel for the fifth “Sandro Salvati” award for Road Safety dissertations. The Fondazione ANIA (Italy’s national association of insurance companies) has published...
SINA – ASTM Group, invited to the 2022 ROADPOL European Seminar “Future Challenges for ROAD Policing”...
Roberto Arditi, SINA S.p.A. - ASTM Group, featured in LeStrade magazine with the editorial "la strada della resilienza" - The road to resilience - published...
SINA illustrates the findings of load tests on reinforced concrete and pre-stressed reinforced concrete to the classes of the G. Baruffi Higher Education Institution...
ROADPOL, PIARC Italia and SINA are organising a seminar with national, European and Balkan state authorities to improve the opportunities and prospects for road safety...
On 31 May students enrolled in “056798 - PROJECT MANAGEMENT: PRINCIPLES & TOOLS” presented their project work in a simulation kick-off meeting...